Strive For The Victory In The Last Four Month

Sep 07 , 2022

The trumpets are blaring and the drums are beating high.

On September 1,2022, with the autumn breeze, RayTalk Communications Ltd held an exciting "Year-end Challenge Pledging Conference" in Kemron Science & Technology Park, which is a new point for us to sum up the passionate summer and look forward to the future.

The conference has been organized by the HR and Administration Department and attended by all RayTalk staff.

The first is the "Summer of July" recognition event, where we have had an exciting performance PK competition in the summer of 2022. Throughout July, colleagues in the Sales Department have showed great explosive power. The performance has continued to improve and we have not only successfully met the targets set, but have even recorded an impressive 220% completion rate. Recognizing this, we have honored all of our outstanding colleagues in the Sales Department, presenting awards to those who had performed particularly well during this activity.

In addition to the salesmen's own efforts, their growth cannot be achieved without the collective support.At the conference, we have shared a video on the theme of "Gonghao". All staff have watched the video intently and have expressed their unique views and insights on the value of "Gonghao" described in the video, that is, how to better achieve goals at work and how to help and support each other to stimulate everyone's passion for work. With the continuous expansion of our company, we have come to a broader stage of development. The formation of a high degree of cohesion among the staff of the company and the revitalization of the corporate culture have become our top priorities. At the conference, we have also reaffirmed our corporate values and new goals. All employees are working in the same direction to make the company a "one-stop solution provider of professional communication accessories".

Strive For The Victory In The Last Four Month

We are more than halfway through 2022 and we have achieved a milestone victory, but there is no end to surpassing ourselves. Our five battle teams, "Fire Force", "Storm Technology", "Swift Armour", "Sword Army" and "Security Army", have shown their own ambition for the new challenges ahead, and are determined to win the battle in the New Year's Eve in 100 days. Everyone is poised for action. They believe in themselves, in the meaning of hard work, in the fact that regret is worse than failure and that miracles are in their own hands. We would eventually work tirelessly to enrich ourselves and perfect our lives.

Strive For The Victory In The Last Four Month

When we look backin 2022, we would see if we could meet a better version of ourselves and a better RayTalk. Let's wait and see.

Strive For The Victory In The Last Four Month