Do You Know, What Is The Glass In Front Of The Pilot?

Sep 13 , 2021

Today, people use a mobile phone screen to browse through the mountains and rivers and understand the world. Data display, content playback, intelligent prompts, and directional guidance. The small screen brings convenience and fun to life, and also improves the efficiency of work and life.

Mobile phones have mobile phone screens, and computers have computer screens. So what screen does the pilot face on the plane?

It turns out that the "glass" in front of the cockpit of the aircraft is the screen used by the pilot, and it is an important part of the aircraft's HUD.

Do You Know, What Is The Glass In Front Of The Pilot?

HUD is "Head-up Display", also known as "Up Display", is an onboard optical display system. All important information such as speed, altitude, heading, altitude, terrain and topography required for flight will be displayed on the pilot's screen through this screen. Right now. The screen is made of transparent and light- permeable high-grade materials. It can not only display information, but also does not block the line of sight.

During the entire flight, the pilot does not need to look down at the instrument frequently and pay attention to the outside world, so as to always maintain a head-up flight. This allows the pilot to concentrate more on flying. The information transmitted on the screen comes from the accurate data calculated by the advanced computer on board, which can greatly reduce the probability of the pilot's operation judgment error in the complex environment, effectively reduce the crew load and improve the safety of the fight.

Do You Know, What Is The Glass In Front Of The Pilot?

Head-up displays were first used in military aircraft, and later began to be used in civil aviation aircraft. The head-up display system of the C919 large passenger aircraft made in China is the first civil aircraft HUD with independent intellectual property rights in China.

Nowadays, the head-up display has begun to show its advanced functions in other fields, such as car head-up displays, electronic podium head-up displays, etc. These head-up displays with advanced technology and functions have been well received by users once they were launched.

Excellent human-computer interaction advantages make it possible for the HUD to be used in multiple industries. In the future, the HUD will become more intelligent and sophisticated, and people's life and work styles will surely be updated and changed accordingly.