Work Hard, Live Happy

Dec 09 , 2021

After the intense and fierce "Golden Autumn October" theme business pk event, we ushered in a happy and relaxing outdoor outing. From November 27th to 28th, a two-day trip to Zengcheng, Fogang, we work hard and live a happy life. The theme of this event, the golden autumn October business pk event, we have achieved very satisfactory results in the efforts of all the members of the company. In this sunny weather, we travel together, explore mountains and rivers, get close to nature, and relax our body and mind, explore the beauty of nature.

On the morning of the 27th, we set off from the company. It took 2 hours and 30 minutes by bus to the first stop of Xiangxi Castle, Fogang. After leaving the hustle and bustle of the bustling city, we arrived at the quiet and secluded Xiangxi Castle and Took a bamboo raft leisurely, we enjoyed the beautiful scenery along the creek and experienced the rafting skills of local farmers.

Xiangxi Castle

Visit the Xiangxi Castle, taste the local delicacy "Yuba now eat", the children also started the "Martial Arts Conference" with the purchased characteristic bamboo swords. After a short break, we crossed the chain bridge of the bamboo forest and took the ancient castle sightseeing bus to the restaurant Taste the local characteristic "Bamboo Banquet"

Yuba Now Eat

Martial Arts Conference

In the afternoon, the wonderful world of Senbola is a paradise for our older children. Everyone went to watch the wetland park and walked in the dinosaur park. Finally, we gathered in the bumper car field, which we loved most in childhood, and started the collective car skills of the RayTalk team. In the competition session, laughter, you chase me to touch, release the joy to your heart's content, still have more meaning, but sigh that it is too late.

The Wonderful World

The night gradually enveloped the entire fantasy world. The schedule on the first day was full, and everyone was rewarded, tired and happy. With this journey, we organized a monthly birthday anniversary party at the dinner time, which was different from usual, and everyone collectively sent the most sincere blessings and songs to the birthday stars in November.

Fantasy World

The next day, after a short rest night, we full of energy and came to the famous scenic spot "White Water Village" in Zengcheng. The waterfall in the mountains came into view. Walking beside the waterfall in the mountains is like a paradise, we couldn't help marveling at the wonders of nature。

Short Rest Night

When we came to Baishuizhai, which is known as the "9999" ladder, how could we not challenge ourselves? We have the choice to climb the peak, or choose to take pictures of the beautiful scenery, compete with each other and climb the ladder, and take a few beautiful photos from time to time. Climb to commemorate, sweat, and get close to the mountains and rivers

Climb to Commemorate

This is another annual outdoor activity for the company's cultural construction after last year's team building. Everyone has returned with a rewarding experience. Being close to nature not only relaxes us from busy work, but also mobilizes our enthusiasm for work. Working hard and living happily is our ideal life state. This trip to Zengcheng, Fogang, is a trip that is close to nature and sublimates the heart. In the work, everyone is united, working hard and achieving goals. In life, we walk together like family, laugh with joy, and release our innocence. This is RayTalk. The most authentic state of the family, let us look forward to the next journey!